Monday, June 8, 2009

Scientists Should "Think Twice" First

Today an article was published that asks commuters to "think twice" about taking public transit systems such as buses and trains, stating that it may be better to "drive into a city -- even in an SUV" at times.

The scientists are basing this on seat occupancy, which is a logical variable to worry about; one person taking a bus is obviously going to create a larger carbon footprint than would one hundred people taking the same bus. But to publish this article is simply irresponsible.

Those ignorant to becoming green or those that are on the verge of trying, will now have a reason to still think that it is okay to opt out of public transportation, seeing it as the one excuse they need to continue traveling the way they do, because a "scientist" said that it's better for them to drive. Fifty to one hundred cars on the road will certainly create a greater impact on the planet than one bus.

The "scientists" argue that the bus is still using fossil fuels, which is the case for some of the older buses, but most new buses now run on natural gas, which is still a fossil fuel but it is clean burning. With the increase in number and demand from commuters, cities will put more money into the public transportation system and add cleaner, more efficient vehicles.

Please continue to take public transportation if you do and if you are considering taking it and are able to, then do so. The more people that take public transportation, the more this "problem" of seat occupancy goes down as do the number of cars on the road and so then does traffic and pollution. It's a win/win!!


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