Monday, June 8, 2009

The Oceans Are Trashed!!

Today marked World Ocean Day and released today by UNEP and the Ocean Conservancy was a report detailing the state of the world's oceans and beaches.

Plastics, especially PET bottles (water bottles)account for 80% of the trash found in the oceans.

"The ocean is our life support system - it provides much of the oxygen we breathe, the food we eat and climate we need to survive - yet trash continues to threaten its health," said Vikki Spruill President and CEO of Ocean Conservancy.

Read the full report as it details the different types of trash that pollute our oceans and how it affects the helpless marine life.

We are responsible for the state of the oceans, we are responsible for the state of the world.

If you would like to help keep our beaches and oceans clean, please volunteer or donate with the organizations below:

Save the Pacific
International Coastal Cleanup
Beach Cleanup


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